Just a few hours ago the President George W Bush announced HIS DECISION, to send 21,500 more combat troops to Iraq.
After a long period of time, consulting with different sources that included the military, domestic and foreign policy makers, etc, the best solution available was to send more troops.
This was not a surprise for anyone, time and time again the President has decided to pursue objectives, not desired by the common American.
To do this, The President Bush misrepresented facts, created a state of fear and impending doom over the population.
Now, he is facing a tough political opposition, from not only the Democrats, but from within his Republican Party.
Senators from his own party, called this "the most dangerous foreign policy blunder in this country since Vietnam, if it's carried out."
The people of the United States are tired of waking up every morning with news of the death toll of Americans and Iraqis going up.
The generals, who opposed this increase of troops, are no longer in command, swiftly replaced by others more condescending with the President's point of view.
The people of the United States are opposed.
The political opposition (Democrats) is opposed.
Member of his own party are opposed.
How many more deaths?
How many more wounded and incapacitated for life?
How many more billions of dollars?
How much despair and agony is needed for this President to know that he was wrong then, he is wrong now and he will be wrong in the future, if he continues in this path of war and destruction.
In almost 4 years of war, 3.000 American troops died and the number of Iraqis dead is staggering.
After a long period of time, consulting with different sources that included the military, domestic and foreign policy makers, etc, the best solution available was to send more troops.
This was not a surprise for anyone, time and time again the President has decided to pursue objectives, not desired by the common American.
To do this, The President Bush misrepresented facts, created a state of fear and impending doom over the population.
Now, he is facing a tough political opposition, from not only the Democrats, but from within his Republican Party.
Senators from his own party, called this "the most dangerous foreign policy blunder in this country since Vietnam, if it's carried out."
The people of the United States are tired of waking up every morning with news of the death toll of Americans and Iraqis going up.
The generals, who opposed this increase of troops, are no longer in command, swiftly replaced by others more condescending with the President's point of view.
The people of the United States are opposed.
The political opposition (Democrats) is opposed.
Member of his own party are opposed.
How many more deaths?
How many more wounded and incapacitated for life?
How many more billions of dollars?
How much despair and agony is needed for this President to know that he was wrong then, he is wrong now and he will be wrong in the future, if he continues in this path of war and destruction.
In almost 4 years of war, 3.000 American troops died and the number of Iraqis dead is staggering.
But, nothing of this is important now because...
The battle has just begun...
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