Alexandra Pelosi did this documentary. Yes, if the last name sounds familiar, she is the daughter of U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.
He premise of this documentary was a road trip into sixteen of the so called “Red States”.
What she discovers was a complete different country, populated by evangelicals who believe that the Bible is God’s word and believe it should be carefully followed.
In a wide look to this population, the director shows us the beliefs of this demographic group.
Along the road, she meet ministers with claims of satisfying sex lives, wrestlers who fight in the name of Jesus, evangelical creationist themed mini –golf courses, skateboard ministry, drive thru prayer stations, even she had the chance to shows the latest trend in travel: Evangelical tourism, visiting in Orlando, the Holy Land Experience, complete with Jesus Christ as a host.
According to records this park has an attendance of 200 to 250 thousand visitors a year.
What I found most alarming, was how this religious group (50 to 80 million strong) uses his influence in politics and the way his beliefs affect the minds of young kids.
Denying the Theory of Evolution, the right to abortion, the gay marriage, etc is bad enough, but when you start telling the voters who to vote for, based in your religious preferences, you are destroying the basic fundaments of the free thinking society, you are just one step away of becoming one of those countries populated with religious fanatics, WHERE WE SEND OUR SOLDIERS TO DIE.
As a pompous Jerry Falwell stated: “ the power of this group will destroy candidates”, as it did during the campaigns of Al Gore, and John Kerry.
And it will destroy the campaign of Hillary Clinton, he said.
Leaving the politics of this great nation in the hands of religious fanatics will be the biggest mistake that a nation that always awarded the free thinkers, can make.
If these were "God's Friends," I'd hate to meet his enemies.
By the way the minister with the satisfying sex life, the Rev. Ted Haggard, then president of the National Association of Evangelicals, was forced to resign on November 2006, in the wake of a sex scandal created by his involvement with a male prostitute and the use of methamphetamine, a illicit drug that causes euphoria.
I strongly recommend to watch this documentary, to understand why is America is so divided and what is the real battle that is raging inside.
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